Gold, Nickel, and Silver Plating Solutions | Sona SPEED
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Gold, Nickel, & Silver

Expert Electrodeposition of Gold and Silver for Diverse Applications

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Gold, Nickel, & Silver

Electrodeposition of Precious Metals: A Focus on Gold and Silver

At Sona SPEED, we understand the importance of precious metals like gold and silver in a wide array of applications. These metals are frequently electrodeposited due to their unique chemical and physical properties.

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Key Benefits:
  • Gold and Silver: Shared Properties

    Gold and silver are both soft, malleable, and ductile materials, with melting points of 1065°C and 961°C, respectively. They crystallize in face-centered cubic configurations and can form stable alloys with each other in all proportions. Both metals resist most common acids, although silver is susceptible to nitric acid and gold to aqua regia. They form complexes with alkali cyanides, which plays a significant role in their electrodeposition processes.

  • Gold Plating at Sona SPEED

    Gold plating has been used for decorative purposes since ancient times. However, with the rise of the electrical and electronic industries, gold's chemical inertness, low and stable contact resistance, conductivity, and resistance to arcing have been harnessed for more practical applications. At Sona SPEED, we understand the value of gold and strive to deposit it only where necessary and at the required thickness. We have developed advanced selective techniques for gold deposition and continue to refine these processes.

  • Cyanide-Based and Noncyanide Gold Plating Systems

    Most of our gold plating is carried out from solutions containing gold as a soluble cyanide complex. However, we also have well-developed plating systems based on noncyanide species. Our gold plating solutions are carefully configured to operate over a wide range of pH and contain various additives for brightening, hardening, grain refinement, depolarization, and/or range extension.

  • Silver Plating at Sona SPEED

    Silver plating is another area of our expertise. The complex cyanide of silver is unstable below neutrality, necessitating the maintenance of some free cyanide in the system. This sets a minimum operating pH for our cyanide silver plating solutions. We offer numerous variations within the general class of cyanide silvers, optimized towards anode corrosion, deposit brightness, and plating speed. Our silver plating solutions are carefully formulated to ensure the best results.

  • Noncyanide Silver Plating

    In addition to cyanide-based silver plating, we also offer noncyanide silver plating. We have achieved commercial success with organosilver complexes and the alkaline thiosulfate, to which an anode activator is added.

  • Nickel Electroplating at Sona SPEED

    Nickel electroplating is one of the oldest coating and plating processes known and offers several benefits to a broad variety of industries. At Sona SPEED, we offer nickel electroplating services that are affordable, versatile, and beneficial to industries ranging from aerospace and aviation to automobile and telecommunications.

  • Preparing a Product for Electroplating

    At Sona SPEED, we follow a meticulous process to prepare a product for electroplating. This includes masking, heat treating, pickling, and etching. After the part has been prepared, it is immersed in an electrolyte solution and is used as the cathode. The nickel anode is dissolved into the electrolyte to form nickel ions, which move through the solution and deposit on the cathode.

  • Nickel Plating Benefits

    Nickel plating offers a variety of benefits including corrosion resistance, solder-ability, durability, and ornamental purposes. It is an appealing option for all types of industries due to its versatility. We offer several types of nickel plating, which give it different appearances and durability attributes.

At Sona SPEED, we are committed to providing the best solutions for your needs. Our team of professionals can assist you in finding the best plating choice for your products and determine the most cost-effective option. With our vast experience in the design, development, and realization of space-grade motors, we ensure that our services are of the highest quality. Trust us to provide you with the best solution for your needs.

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